Commerce Commission ranks telcos

Default Profile ImageBen O'Connell
Commerce Commission

The Commerce Commission has published a new report that ranks mobile and broadband telecommunications providers on their quality of customer service.

The rankings rank New Zealand’s telcos on a range of key customer service indicators and are part of the Commerce Commission’s ongoing work to improve retail service quality for customers.

Telecommunications Commissioner Tristan Gilbertson says consumer frustration in the field is reflected by high levels of complaints about customer service. He also says that all providers have areas for improvement.

“Skinny is the current league leader and ranked well across almost all mobile and broadband areas with its customers experiencing the fewest issues.

“Contact Energy appears to be outperforming some of the traditional telcos in broadband, ranking highly for satisfaction and staff helpfulness.

“One NZ (previously Vodafone NZ) is ranked low across almost all measures for mobile and broadband, although it did rate well for the speed with which it resolves broadband issues.”

As each consumer has a different set of priorities when it comes to choosing a telecommunications provider, the rankings prove useful to many customers when they weigh up providers and look to make an informed decision.

The Commerce Commission hopes the report will encourage providers to “lift their game for the benefit of Kiwi consumers of mobile and broadband services,” Tristan Gilbertson says. Read the full report here: